Table of Contents
As an aid to adminstrators implementing a Katzenpost mixnet, this appendix provides lightly edited examples of configuration files for each Katzenpost node type. These files are drawn from a built instance of the Docker test mixnet. These code listings are meant to be used as a reference alongside the detailed configuration documentation in Components and configuration of the Katzenpost mixnet. You cannot use these listings as a drop-in solution in your own mixnets for reasons explained in the Network topology and components section of the Docker test mixnet documentation.
Source: ../katzenpost/docker/voting_mixnet/auth1/authority.toml
[Server] Identifier = "auth1" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" Addresses = ["tcp://"] DataDir = "/voting_mixnet/auth1" [[Authorities]] Identifier = "auth1" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nfvcvAfUpeu7lMHjQBw [...] Gpi8ovBXl9ENIHLwA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nsxxS04mftoEmwjxE/w [...] expP2fbERpGQwVNg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[Authorities]] Identifier = "auth2" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n5nsy6uFQ1782fZ+iYn [...] Sdr2xoinylYJr/3AA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nkQzCJvaS6jg06szLea [...] PG1Bzx1JwHGFxRBQ==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[Authorities]] Identifier = "auth3" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nJzkFpS035de1PmA2MM [...] jo6Z7is9GLs0YxVQA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n+pIUsgEGwHa8k4GZcb [...] 1mxoc+4kcgZWuOAg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [Logging] Disable = false File = "katzenpost.log" Level = "INFO" [Parameters] SendRatePerMinute = 0 Mu = 0.005 MuMaxDelay = 1000 LambdaP = 0.001 LambdaPMaxDelay = 1000 LambdaL = 0.0005 LambdaLMaxDelay = 1000 LambdaD = 0.0005 LambdaDMaxDelay = 3000 LambdaM = 0.0005 LambdaG = 0.0 LambdaMMaxDelay = 100 LambdaGMaxDelay = 100 [Debug] Layers = 3 MinNodesPerLayer = 1 GenerateOnly = false [[Mixes]] Identifier = "mix1" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix1/identity.public.pem" [[Mixes]] Identifier = "mix2" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix2/identity.public.pem" [[Mixes]] Identifier = "mix3" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix3/identity.public.pem" [[GatewayNodes]] Identifier = "gateway1" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../gateway1/identity.public.pem" [[ServiceNodes]] Identifier = "servicenode1" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../servicenode1/identity.public.pem" [Topology] [[Topology.Layers]] [[Topology.Layers.Nodes]] Identifier = "mix1" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix1/identity.public.pem" [[Topology.Layers]] [[Topology.Layers.Nodes]] Identifier = "mix2" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix2/identity.public.pem" [[Topology.Layers]] [[Topology.Layers.Nodes]] Identifier = "mix3" IdentityPublicKeyPem = "../mix3/identity.public.pem" [SphinxGeometry] PacketLength = 3082 NrHops = 5 HeaderLength = 476 RoutingInfoLength = 410 PerHopRoutingInfoLength = 82 SURBLength = 572 SphinxPlaintextHeaderLength = 2 PayloadTagLength = 32 ForwardPayloadLength = 2574 UserForwardPayloadLength = 2000 NextNodeHopLength = 65 SPRPKeyMaterialLength = 64 NIKEName = "x25519" KEMName = ""
Source: ../katzenpost/docker/voting_mixnet/mix1/katzenpost.toml
[Server] Identifier = "mix1" WireKEM = "xwing" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" Addresses = ["tcp://", "quic://[::1]:30011"] MetricsAddress = "" DataDir = "/voting_mixnet/mix1" IsGatewayNode = false IsServiceNode = false [Logging] Disable = false File = "katzenpost.log" Level = "INFO" [PKI] [PKI.Voting] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth1" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nfvcvAfUpeu7lMHjQBw [...] Gpi8ovBXl9ENIHLwA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nsxxS04mftoEmwjxE/w [...] expP2fbERpGQwVNg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth2" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n5nsy6uFQ1782fZ+iYn [...] Sdr2xoinylYJr/3AA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nkQzCJvaS6jg06szLea [...] PG1Bzx1JwHGFxRBQ==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth3" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nJzkFpS035de1PmA2M [...] jo6Z7is9GLs0YxVQA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n+pIUsgEGwHa8k4GZcb [...] 1mxoc+4kcgZWuOAg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [Management] Enable = false Path = "/voting_mixnet/mix1/management_sock" [SphinxGeometry] PacketLength = 3082 NrHops = 5 HeaderLength = 476 RoutingInfoLength = 410 PerHopRoutingInfoLength = 82 SURBLength = 572 SphinxPlaintextHeaderLength = 2 PayloadTagLength = 32 ForwardPayloadLength = 2574 UserForwardPayloadLength = 2000 NextNodeHopLength = 65 SPRPKeyMaterialLength = 64 NIKEName = "x25519" KEMName = "" [Debug] NumSphinxWorkers = 16 NumServiceWorkers = 3 NumGatewayWorkers = 3 NumKaetzchenWorkers = 3 SchedulerExternalMemoryQueue = false SchedulerQueueSize = 0 SchedulerMaxBurst = 16 UnwrapDelay = 250 GatewayDelay = 500 ServiceDelay = 500 KaetzchenDelay = 750 SchedulerSlack = 150 SendSlack = 50 DecoySlack = 15000 ConnectTimeout = 60000 HandshakeTimeout = 30000 ReauthInterval = 30000 SendDecoyTraffic = false DisableRateLimit = false GenerateOnly = false
Source: ../katzenpost/docker/voting_mixnet/gateway1/katzenpost.toml
[Server] Identifier = "gateway1" WireKEM = "xwing" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" Addresses = ["tcp://", "quic://[::1]:30005", "onion://thisisjustatestoniontoverifythatconfigandpkiworkproperly.onion:4242"] BindAddresses = ["tcp://", "quic://[::1]:30005"] MetricsAddress = "" DataDir = "/voting_mixnet/gateway1" IsGatewayNode = true IsServiceNode = false [Logging] Disable = false File = "katzenpost.log" Level = "INFO" [Gateway] [Gateway.UserDB] Backend = "bolt" [Gateway.UserDB.Bolt] UserDB = "/voting_mixnet/gateway1/users.db" [Gateway.SpoolDB] Backend = "bolt" [Gateway.SpoolDB.Bolt] SpoolDB = "/voting_mixnet/gateway1/spool.db" [PKI] [PKI.Voting] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth1" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nfvcvAfUpeu7lMHjQBw [...] Gpi8ovBXl9ENIHLwA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nsxxS04mftoEmwjxE/w [...] expP2fbERpGQwVNg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth2" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n5nsy6uFQ1782fZ+iYn [...] Sdr2xoinylYJr/3AA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nkQzCJvaS6jg06szLea [...] PG1Bzx1JwHGFxRBQ==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth3" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nJzkFpS035de1PmA2MM [...] jo6Z7is9GLs0YxVQA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n+pIUsgEGwHa8k4GZcb [...] 1mxoc+4kcgZWuOAg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [Management] Enable = true Path = "/voting_mixnet/gateway1/management_sock" [SphinxGeometry] PacketLength = 3082 NrHops = 5 HeaderLength = 476 RoutingInfoLength = 410 PerHopRoutingInfoLength = 82 SURBLength = 572 SphinxPlaintextHeaderLength = 2 PayloadTagLength = 32 ForwardPayloadLength = 2574 UserForwardPayloadLength = 2000 NextNodeHopLength = 65 SPRPKeyMaterialLength = 64 NIKEName = "x25519" KEMName = "" [Debug] NumSphinxWorkers = 16 NumServiceWorkers = 3 NumGatewayWorkers = 3 NumKaetzchenWorkers = 3 SchedulerExternalMemoryQueue = false SchedulerQueueSize = 0 SchedulerMaxBurst = 16 UnwrapDelay = 250 GatewayDelay = 500 ServiceDelay = 500 KaetzchenDelay = 750 SchedulerSlack = 150 SendSlack = 50 DecoySlack = 15000 ConnectTimeout = 60000 HandshakeTimeout = 30000 ReauthInterval = 30000 SendDecoyTraffic = false DisableRateLimit = false GenerateOnly = false
[Server] Identifier = "servicenode1" WireKEM = "xwing" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" Addresses = ["tcp://", "quic://[::1]:30008"] MetricsAddress = "" DataDir = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1" IsGatewayNode = false IsServiceNode = true [Logging] Disable = false File = "katzenpost.log" Level = "INFO" [ServiceNode] [[ServiceNode.Kaetzchen]] Capability = "echo" Endpoint = "+echo" Disable = false [[ServiceNode.Kaetzchen]] Capability = "testdest" Endpoint = "+testdest" Disable = false [[ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen]] Capability = "spool" Endpoint = "+spool" Command = "/voting_mixnet/memspool.alpine" MaxConcurrency = 1 Disable = false [ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen.Config] data_store = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1/" log_dir = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1" [[ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen]] Capability = "pigeonhole" Endpoint = "+pigeonhole" Command = "/voting_mixnet/pigeonhole.alpine" MaxConcurrency = 1 Disable = false [ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen.Config] db = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1/" log_dir = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1" [[ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen]] Capability = "panda" Endpoint = "+panda" Command = "/voting_mixnet/panda_server.alpine" MaxConcurrency = 1 Disable = false [ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen.Config] fileStore = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1/" log_dir = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1" log_level = "INFO" [[ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen]] Capability = "http" Endpoint = "+http" Command = "/voting_mixnet/proxy_server.alpine" MaxConcurrency = 1 Disable = false [ServiceNode.CBORPluginKaetzchen.Config] host = "localhost:4242" log_dir = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1" log_level = "DEBUG" [PKI] [PKI.Voting] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth1" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nfvcvAfUpeu7lMHjQBw [...] Gpi8ovBXl9ENIHLwA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nsxxS04mftoEmwjxE/w [...] expP2fbERpGQwVNg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth2" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n5nsy6uFQ1782fZ+iYn [...] Sdr2xoinylYJr/3AA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\nkQzCJvaS6jg06szLea [...] PG1Bzx1JwHGFxRBQ==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [[PKI.Voting.Authorities]] Identifier = "auth3" IdentityPublicKey = "-----BEGIN ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\nJzkFpS035de1PmA2MM [...] jo6Z7is9GLs0YxVQA=\n-----END ED448-DILITHIUM3 PUBLIC KEY-----\n" PKISignatureScheme = "Ed448-Dilithium3" LinkPublicKey = "-----BEGIN XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n+pIUsgEGwHa8k4GZcb [...] 1mxoc+4kcgZWuOAg==\n-----END XWING PUBLIC KEY-----\n" WireKEMScheme = "xwing" Addresses = ["tcp://"] [Management] Enable = true Path = "/voting_mixnet/servicenode1/management_sock" [SphinxGeometry] PacketLength = 3082 NrHops = 5 HeaderLength = 476 RoutingInfoLength = 410 PerHopRoutingInfoLength = 82 SURBLength = 572 SphinxPlaintextHeaderLength = 2 PayloadTagLength = 32 ForwardPayloadLength = 2574 UserForwardPayloadLength = 2000 NextNodeHopLength = 65 SPRPKeyMaterialLength = 64 NIKEName = "x25519" KEMName = "" [Debug] NumSphinxWorkers = 16 NumServiceWorkers = 3 NumGatewayWorkers = 3 NumKaetzchenWorkers = 4 SchedulerExternalMemoryQueue = false SchedulerQueueSize = 0 SchedulerMaxBurst = 16 UnwrapDelay = 250 GatewayDelay = 500 ServiceDelay = 500 KaetzchenDelay = 750 SchedulerSlack = 150 SendSlack = 50 DecoySlack = 15000 ConnectTimeout = 60000 HandshakeTimeout = 30000 ReauthInterval = 30000 SendDecoyTraffic = false DisableRateLimit = false GenerateOnly = false