

Explore talks and slides showcasing Katzenpost’s innovative work on anonymous communication and mix network designs.

🎥 Live Recorded Videos

Date Speaker(s) Title Link
2024/1 Dr. Eva Infeld and Leif Ryge Project status session at Chaos Communication Congress, 37c3 Watch on YouTube
2018/08 David Stainton BornHack 2018 - Modern Mix Network Design Watch on YouTube
2017/12 Jeff Burdges and David Stainton 34C3 - Practical Mix Network Design Watch on YouTube
2017/11 David Stainton Anonymizing Cryptocurrencies from Network Observers with Mix Networks Watch on YouTube
2017/07 David Stainton Shows How Mix Networks Improve Privacy Watch on YouTube

🎥 Screencasts

Date Speaker(s) Title Link
2019/1 David Stainton A Brief Introduction to mix networks Watch on YouTube
2019/1 David Stainton Mix Network Topologies Watch on YouTube
2019/1 David Stainton Introduction to Statistical Disclosure Attacks and Defenses for Mix Networks Watch on YouTube
2019/4 David Stainton Katzenpost Introduction Watch on YouTube

🖼️ Slides

Date Speaker(s) Title Format(s)
2017/12 David Stainton Modern Mix Network Design PDF
2017/12 Moritz Bartl Anonymität im Internet (German) PDF / ODP
2018/09 Claudia Diaz, Moritz Bartl Katzenpost Mix Network PDF / ODP